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Hello! I'm Ziming Wang, the author of the website and dataset.
Nice to meet you! NEWS: I move to HKU MaRS Lab for MPhil Study under supervised by Prof. Fu Zhang @ HKU

I am also under the guidance of Prof. Yanyong Zhang, Prof. Jianmin Ji, and Prof. Erbao Dong @ USTC, where I finished my undergraduate studies

This is an introduction about myself. I am dedicated to robotics research with the goal of improving the quality of human life through the development of robots. I believe that effective collaboration between humans and robots can free us from tedious, physically demanding, and hazardous work, and provide vulnerable groups with greater opportunities to engage with the world. As a testament to this belief, I have created the USTC FLICAR dataset to help prepare robots for the task of aerial work. I am also currently dedicated to advancing the application of robots in challenging environments such as high-voltage power grids and mines. My approach to research centers on robot perception as a means of exploring effective modes of human-robot fusion interaction. I am particularly focused on areas such as simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), computer vision (CV), human-robot interaction (HRI), and augmented/virtual/mixed reality (AR/VR/MR). In the future, I also hope to study robots that can assist the disabled and elderly. If we share similar goals, I look forward to connecting with you.

Contact me:

  • Email:;
  • WeChat/微信: ziming_wang2001
  • Tel.: +86 13179243157

    Basic Information

     Ziming Wang, born on March 6, 2001 in Jilin City, Jilin Province, China, who is an MPhil student at The University of Hong Kong (HKU). He received his B.Eng degree in Computer Science and Technology from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) now.

     2024.9-now. Robotics 🤖 at MaRS Lab, HKU
     2020.9-2023.9. CS Major 🖥️ at School of Computer Science and Technology, USTC
     2019.9-2020.9. ME Major ⚙️ at School of Engineering Science, USTC
     2018.9-2019.9. EE Major at School of Information Science and Technology, USTC
